Hello from Milton Abbey!

I am sitting at a desk in a small dorm room, having just heard the UK premiere of my Magnificat, and anxiously awaiting the video of the concert to be released. What an absolute treat to have VOCES8 both record and perform the work.

If you’re checking in on the status of its publication, keep checking back! I would guess that it will be out by the first of 2020 from MorningStar. And if you’re curious about the recording, I’ll surely update you the second I know more about its release.

In the meantime, let’s keep celebrating the woman Mary was and is:

Mary of rattling tea cups and homemade cookies
Mary of open door, open hearth, open heart
Queen of warmth and hospitality
Mary of varicose veins and chapped hands
Strong, fragile woman
Vulnerable, unshakable woman
Believer in love, reality, people, God
Back stooped and ear bent in listening to life’s stories and to the giver of life
Stubborn fidelity to life in the face of death
Unflinching spirit that stares light into the darkness of the tomb
Heart that breaks and pours love over the thirsty earth
Missing her son when he is gone to another home
Looking up in the sudden expectancy of hearing his voice
Smiling wryly to herself and waiting
Waiting, gestating the kingdom once more
Growing in expectancy of second birth – this time her own
The moment of reunion rushes to meet her with open arms
And their laughter rocks the universe
Sending happy shock waves to echo in our dreams
Tugging our reluctant mouths into smiles of hope and anticipation
Amen, it will be so, Amen.

–Rev. Edward Farrell, Gathering the Fragments, Ave Maria Press, 1987)

A quick shot of orchestra and choir as the rehearsal wraps up.

A quick shot of orchestra and choir as the rehearsal wraps up.